As an entrepreneur and mum to two busy boys, when I talk about feeling overly busy and stretched thin, I come from a place of experience.

Having relied on adrenaline to get through each day while growing my previous businesses, I know a thing or two about trying to work longer and harder to get it all done. 

And let me tell you, that road leads to panic attacks and burnout. 

There had to be another way to build a business that didn’t rely on hustle and burnout

As my body and soul wouldn’t let me build my coaching business the same way I’d built my previous businesses, I undertook a transformational journey to learn a new way of doing life and business.

I’ve learned how to:

  • Manage time and energy.

  • Decondition outdated programming that kept me on the hamster wheel of constant hustle and busy-ness because I truly believed that ‘only hard work leads to success’.

  • Implement boundaries between me and my work (because I have a constant flow of ideas and want them all done yesterday!)

  • Incorporate a more feminine approach to life and business.

  • Prioritize self-care as a business strategy.

I’ve successfully reduced stress and burnout and I can help you do this too.

Let’s unlock your potential and create the lifestyle and time freedom you truly desire.