The Witch Wound: Why you’re afraid to be seen
Today, we’re diving into something that’s been lurking in the shadows for generations but still messes with us today—especially if you’re an entrepreneurial woman trying to build a thriving business. It’s called The Witch Wound.
I know, it sounds a little mystical, maybe even dramatic, but stay with me—this one’s real, and I promise it’s going to land in ways that make you go, “Ahhh, that’s why I’ve been playing small.”
What is the Witch Wound?
Historically, women were punished for standing in their power—whether that meant being outspoken, intuitive, successful, talking to their animals or just... different. The “witch trials” weren’t just about magic; they were about silencing women who didn’t conform.
Fast-forward to today: we’re not getting burned at the stake anymore (thank goodness), but the fear of being judged, rejected, or too much? That’s the witch wound whispering, “Stay small, stay safe.”
How It Shows Up in Modern Life:
So how does this ancient wound sneak into our modern businesses?
Here are a few sneaky ways:
Fear of Visibility: You avoid showing up on social media, going live, or speaking on stage because being “seen” feels risky.
Self-Sabotage: You start a project, then mysteriously lose motivation right when things are gaining traction.
People-Pleasing: You downplay your brilliance so others don’t feel uncomfortable—or worse, so you don’t risk rejection.
Fear of Judgment: You hesitate to share your real thoughts, ideas, or dress the way you want to because... what if they don’t like you?
When I was about 8, I was given some bright green lace tights and I thought they were awesome but when I wore them to school my teacher said ‘gosh, those are very loud’
And then again, when I was in my last year of high school, we didn’t have to wear a uniform. I used to love wearing things my grandmother had worn in the 70s. Think vibrant colours, flairs, platform shoes and a teacher pulled me aside and said “you’re pretty so you don’t need to wear things like that to stand out”. Now maybe that was a compliment. But I took it as yet another cue to tone it down and blend in.
I don’t know why these women said this stuff to me. Why the hell did it matter what I was wearing. I’d like to think they weren’t trying to be mean and I’m sure they wouldn’t have said those things if they thought I’d still be hearing their voices in my head now, but it would’ve been great if they’d kept their opinions to themselves. Yeesh, talk about outdated programming – I need to let that crap go.
And it can also show up as Fear of Punishment: You hold back from exploring new ideas, speaking your truth, or breaking societal norms because, deep down, you’re afraid there’ll be consequences.
That last one runs deeper than we think. Let me tell you about a time it caught me off guard.
When I lived in San Francisco, I started learning about Wicca (or witchcraft). I was curious and ordered a book on the topic. But then, I got an email from Amazon saying something like “Because you ordered this book on witchcraft, here are some other books you might like.” I froze.
It was a seemingly harmless algorithm, but my first reaction was, “Oh no, now there’s a record of this. What if someone finds out? What if someone hurts me”
This wasn’t just fear of judgment—it was fear of being punished for exploring something outside the norm. Even though I was perfectly safe, the fear felt real because of how deeply ingrained the Witch Wound is in our collective memory.
It can also show up as Fear of Prosperity: This one’s sneaky—you fear making too much money, holding onto wealth, or even trusting yourself not to sabotage your own success. Maybe you overspend, give it all away, or feel like if you do make a lot, it’ll just get taken away anyway. This isn’t just about money; it’s about believing you’re worthy of abundance without guilt or fear of losing it.
Why This Matters for Entrepreneurs:
If you’re here to build an empire (and I know you are), you need to recognize when this old programming is running the show. The witch wound is like having outdated software that keeps glitching every time you try to level up.
Making you worry about stuff that may or may not happen.
Thinking things like:
“What if I fail?”
“What will people think?”
“Who am I to do this?”
Spoiler alert: You’re exactly the person to do this. But first, we’ve gotta rewrite that old code.
Breaking Free: How to Heal the Witch Wound
Let’s talk about how to start shifting this energy.
Here are some tools I’ve found super powerful:
Awareness Is Everything
Start noticing when those old fears creep in. Awareness is like turning on the light—you can’t unsee it. Notice it and call it out “there you are witch wound, how nice of you to show up!”Calm your nervous system before doing something scary.
You could try a breathwork Technique like Box Breathing (Inhale for 4, hold for 4, exhale for 4, hold for 4) Or do some Emotional Freedom Technique/tapping
Years ago I went skydiving with a group of friends. I said yes without thinking too hard about it (probably the only reason I actually went through with it).
When we arrived, I was paired with the jump leader, which meant we’d be the first to leap out of the plane.
Everyone else got clipped to their instructor right away.
Not me—I had to scramble over everyone when it was my turn, get clipped in, and then stand in the doorway with my toes literally half-off the edge of the moving plane.
I found out later, that my friends were impressed by how calm I was.
But what they didn’t hear was the calm, steady voice of my instructor in my ear.
In that moment, I had two choices:
Panic, freak out, and potentially risk both of our lives.
Trust him, stay calm, and jump.
I chose to jump.
The freefall didn’t even feel like falling, it just felt like I was standing in front of a powerful fan. And when he pulled the shoot open I remember thinking “Oh! I’m glad he remembered to do that!”
And then everything was peaceful and quiet, with stunning views all around me.
When I landed, I felt so excited and ready to do it again. But once the adrenaline wore off, I thought, “That was the stupidest thing I’ve ever done. Why would anyone deliberately jump out of a moving plane?”
So why can I jump out of a plane…but still freak out before going live on facebook?
When skydiving, I had a guide whispering in my ear, grounding me in the present. There was no space for spiraling thoughts about what might happen. I had to trust, breathe, and stay present.
Going live, on the other hand, means facing visibility fears head-on—without an instructor clipped to you.
My mind races:
What if I mess up?
What if I forget what to say?
What if I ramble?
What if no one watches?
What if they judge me?
That’s why tools like breathwork, EFT tapping, and grounding exercises are so powerful—they become that calming voice in your ear, bringing you back to the present so you can share your message from a place of power and clarity.
Speaking of power, another tool to shift fearful energy is to:
Celebrate Your Power
Start a brag bank (yes, I said brag). Write down every time you speak up, set a boundary, share your magic with the world or someone praises you or your work. It retrains your brain to see visibility as safe.
And another tool that helps me to show up when I just want to hide under a blanket and rock in the corner is to Reframe Visibility as Service
Instead of thinking, “I don’t want to be seen,” or “what if they hate me” try, “Who needs to hear this message today?”
It shifts the focus from fear to impact.
The witch wound doesn’t have to run the show anymore.
You’re not just building a business—you’re reclaiming your voice, your power, and your space in the world.
It’s time to lead like the queen you truly are.
That’s exactly what my Queen Confidence coaching program is all about—helping you rewrite those outdated stories and step into a version of yourself that feels expansive, powerful, and free.
If this episode resonated with you and you’re ready to break free from the fear of being seen, let’s chat.
In the show notes there’s a link to book a call with me, and we’ll see if the Queen Confidence program is the right next step for you.
In the meantime, here’s your challenge: What’s one bold move you can make this week to step into your power? Share it with me via DM—I’d love to cheer you on.