Enjoying the Journey is the key to speeding up your success - How to enjoy building a business: Success through joy and mindset

Explore how cultivating fun and joy on your business building journey will help you magnetize your desired success.

Learn how to:

  • Use your Reticular Activating System (RAS) to focus on what's important to you by making those things more noticeable.

  • Explore the feelings you're wanting to experience and start feeling those now

  • Create your joy list so that when you find yourself in a slump, you don't have to think too hard about how to climb out of it, you can just take some action to raise your vibe.

Daily Success Rituals

There are a few things I do every morning to ensure I make the most of my work day.

One of them is tapping into the business consciousness of Space and Grace to see what it wants me to do.

This is something I learned from Genine Howard and Sarah Finlay and I'll interview both of them so you can learn about this too.

But to keep us on point for this particular episode, the message that came through from the Space and Grace consciousness was "have more fun" And my immediate reaction was ummmmmmm. Ok?,

I couldn't think of anything to do that would be fun.

I was stuck in the weeds and getting bogged down in doing things in the background that weren't lighting me up, instead of focusing on my strengths and the things I enjoy.

So if you've also stopped having fun on your business building journey, this episode is for you (and for me)


What successful entrepreneurs say about enjoying the business building journey

Some of the most successful entrepreneurs say they enjoyed the journey more than the success.


Arianna Huffington said, "Success is not about climbing up a ladder as much as it is about knowing how to enjoy the ride.

Steve Jobs said: "The journey is the reward."

Richard Branson said "True success should be measured by how happy you are."


Your brain is preventing your success

If you're creating something brand new or stepping into uncharted territory, it's natural for your brain to come up with all kinds of doubts and unhelpful stories to:

Hold you back

Keep you in overwhelm,

Keep you in procrastination, or

Keep you in confusion as a way of avoiding the things that take you out of your comfort zone and lead to your growth and success.



Having a coach can be transformative because we provide guidance, perspective, and strategies to push past those mental blocks.

I'd love to support you so you stay focused, motivated, and confident as you move forward with building your vision.

Let's chat about how I can help you build your business with more ease

Overcoming business building challenges: Mindset strategies that work

You don't have to look hard for evidence that business building is hard.

Ask google for stats on how many businesses fail in their first year, first 5 years or first 10 years and you'll want to curl up in the fetal position and cry.


Perhaps your dwindling bank account is all the evidence you need to send you spiralling into self doubt and despair and listening to all the voices both in and outside your head that tell you:

You shouldn't try

Just get a job and be like everyone else.


How to use your Reticular Activating System (RAS) to help you succeed

Your Reticular Activating System (RAS) is your brain's filter.

It helps you focus on what's important to you by making those things more noticeable.

It helps you to find evidence for what you're looking for so if you're looking for evidence that life is hard and business is hard, you'll find it.


Some people watch or listen to bad stuff because it helps them remember how good their life is.

Some people see bad stuff and create incredible businesses to make the world a better place.


But for me, as an empath or highly sensitive person, focusing on all the bad stuff doesn't help. It makes me:

Afraid and anxious

It shuts me down

I can't turn it off and,

I can't forget it.

It serves no purpose and reinforces all the crap in my brain that I'm trying to break away from.

And that's not how I want to experience life.


The importance of discovering your True business motivation

What are you wanting to experience by building your own business?

Most of us want to make money but it's not usually money itself that we're chasing, but what we can do with our money and how having that money will make us feel.

If you believe that a specific thing, like something you'll buy with the money you earn from your business, or a certain number of clients, or a certain dollar amount will make you feel a certain way, then you're relying on things outside yourself to make you feel good.


Training your RAS for business success

You can learn to train your Reticular Activating System, your (RAS) to focus on positive outcomes and experiences, to spot opportunities, and moments of joy, and things that enrich your life.


You can do this By:

  • Setting daily intentions that focus on seeing more of what you want to see. Whether it's joy, opportunities, or progress, consciously decide what you want to notice throughout the day.

  • Practicing Gratitude – even 3 small things a day can make a huge difference

  • Visualizing Success because this primes your brain to recognize opportunities related to those goals.

  • Speaking your desired success out loud in your phone's recording app and playing it back every day so your subconscious mind absorbs it and starts believing it – I'm doing this now. I've recorded a rant on what my success in life and business looks like and I listen to it daily.

  • Celebrating Small Wins so your brain starts to appreciate positive outcomes more frequently.

  • Consuming Uplifting Content that inspires or motivates you or just makes you feel good.


Create your business Joy List

You can also create a joy list so that when you find yourself in a slump, you don't have to think too hard about how to climb out of it, you can just take some action to raise your vibe.

The more you train yourself to do this, the quicker you're able to snap out of it.

You could

Listen to your favourite mood boosting playlist on (spotify - affiliate

Do a quick and powerful workout or dance session with (fiton affiliate

Walk your dog, play with your kids

Watch things that bring you joy. I’m a huge fan of The Kiffness and funny animal voice overs on youtube


My Instagram feed is full of cute animals and reels from my favourite comedians like Celeste Barber and Tom Sainsbury


Watch something funny like the scene in Ted Lasso when Roy Kent is learning to ride a bike – I’ll be laughing about that for years!

Are there scents that lift your vibe?

I appreciate that you might think this is weird, but I love smelling my cat! She smells divine,  especially if she’s been walking through the forest on a rainy day.

If someone could bottle that scent up and send it to me, I’d wear it in a vile around my neck and take a whiff multiple times a day

How to feel joy when tackling your task list

And maybe you can’t look at your task list and feel joy.

Sometimes, you’re staring down something that’s horrible, uncomfortable, or brain squeezing (like anything to do with numbers! yeesh)

As you build your business most tasks will be out of your comfort zone.

So, when that happens, try amping up some joyful vibes beforehand and then celebrating your progress afterward. It makes getting through that poop sandwich a little easier.

Create a Brag Bank

Remind yourself how amazing and creative you are!

Keep a list of testimonials,  comments or praise you’ve received and refer back to it when your brain tells you that no one is watching, listening or cares about what you’re doing.


Build your Business Support Network

Connect with your business besties, others who are walking the walk, so you don't drown in isolation.

These conversations help you feel more normal, and will also spark new ideas so make space for them.


Remember why you’re building a business

Remind yourself why it’s so important to keep going, even when things get tough.

Your ideas and actions have the power to create a beautiful ripple effect.

Think about it—everything we rely on daily, like cars, mobile phones, TVs, and electricity, started as a spark in someone’s imagination.

And while society often pushes us to follow the rules and blend in, it desperately needs those of us who dare to create, who spot the gaps and work to fill them, who inspire and lift others as they rise. Your perseverance fuels progress—not just for you, but for everyone around you.


So to recap

If you’re prone to focusing on the negative and you’re not experiencing the life of your dreams,

I encourage you to give the tips I’ve provided here a shot.

What’s the worst that can happen if you start cultivating fun and joy on your business journey?


Don’t forget, if you would like my support, let's chat about how I can help you build your business with more ease


Making aligned decisions through Dowsing: Interview with Mary Crawford


Moon Phase Planning - Embracing ease, flow and balance for a thriving business