Moon Phase Planning - Embracing ease, flow and balance for a thriving business

In today’s episode and blog we’re diving into the powerful topic of moon phase planning.

Learn how to harness the Lunar Cycles for business success and personal growth so you can show up as your absolute best self.

The myth of constant hustle

If you're like most people, you've probably been taught that to be successful, you need to be constantly productive, working hard, and pushing through and hustling day in and day out.

But here's the truth.

That is not sustainable, especially for us as women.

We have natural rhythms.

And when we honor those rhythms, we actually thrive in business and in life.

So today, I'm going to show you how to plan your tasks and self-care based on the moon's phases so you can reduce that unnecessary busyness, embrace ease and flow, and create a thriving, sustainable business that doesn't drain you.


Benefits of Lunar cycle planning - Productivity without burnout

By planning over a lunar cycle, you'll:

- Decide on your most important needle-moving tasks

- Effortlessly manage your most important tasks without feeling overwhelmed

- Feel accomplished, calm, and in control

- Make space in your schedule for self-care, and to just slow down


Productivity Planning By the Phases of the Moon

If you’re looking for a more sustainable way of building your business or getting through your year that doesn’t rely on 24/7 pushing and hustling (and the inevitable burnout), try utilizing the moon phases to plan your work load.

This planner enables you to slow down and do less during certain phases so that you can do more and be more focused, productive (and push and hustle as much as you like!) during other phases when you have more energy.

Or simply follow these steps


Step 1. Brain Dump

The first step is to do a brain dump.

You just write down all the activities you want to do in the next month. And if you're anything like me, there is a lot.

Be sure to include the activities that are going to help build or sustain your business like:

- Marketing

- Sales

- Client Delivery

- Operations


Step 2: Add your self-care activities

Once you have your massive brain dump and you can see all the things you're trying to do, the next step is to decide on your self-care activities.

And yes, I now count self-care as a business strategy, not something I squish in when I'm feeling utterly drained and exhausted.

We often overlook our needs because our business baby is so demanding. But you're the boss.

So decide on the activities you'll do that will amplify joy and creativity because we are meant to have fun. And this is often the last thing we prioritize.


Step 3:  Decide on the most important business activity for the next lunar cycle

We've been taught that the only way to succeed is to push and hustle no matter how we feel.

But a more feminine approach results in a more balanced life and a thriving business.

So take time to assess where new stuff fits in and if it's really important.

And just plot out one activity over the month so that you can clearly see how much is involved, how much effort will be required, and then decide if it's worth it.


How to breakdown your activities over a lunar cycle so you’re more productive and relaxed


New Moon to First Quarter

From the new moon to the first quarter, this is where you start to see the moon again, right after it's dark.

So this is a really good time to:

- Set your intention

- Brainstorm

- Research

- Take a bit of action just to gather more information


First Quarter to the Full Moon

This is the time to focus on:

- Planning

- Pitches

- Conversations

- Collaborations

- Batching outward-facing content like marketing videos


Beware Full Moon Energy

I have so much energy during the full moon and my emotions are also really really full-on and sometimes I think it would be better for everyone if I was able to just hide from the full moon because stuff gets really real.

It's quite a feisty time for me.

So, I just always tell my kids it's best not to poke the bear during a full moon.


Full Moon to Third Quarter

Good time to focus on:

- Detailed work

- Finishing projects

- Wrapping up loose ends

- Admin

- Accounting

- Analyzing data

- Reducing meetings

- Starting regenerative self-care activities


Third Quarter to the Dark/New Moon

This is a great time to:

- Turn inward and rest

- Evaluate and pivot

- Book a massage or spa day

- Do activities that make you feel amazing


My personal Moon Phase planning journey

I used to spend all my time in the first three phases and I never ever prioritized myself and this road led to burnout

I had heard about moon phase planning a few times but hadn't investigated further.

I remember one day I was out walking my dog Daisy and we live at the top of a hill so no matter which direction we choose we always end up with a massive hill climb.

I was so tired and I was trudging up that hill and I remembered that I'd been meaning to look into moon phase planning.

So I stopped halfway up the hill.

I installed a free moon phase app and I discovered that we were in the dark phase of the moon.

I remember feeling so much relief and I believe the phrase I came out with was something like “sweet I don't have to do shit!”

I felt so much relief just knowing that if I did nothing for a few days, I'd end up with more energy to do more stuff during the other phases of the moon.

And that's exactly what happened.

And from then on, I have been a convert.

I also added the free moon phase calendar app to my Google calendar.


It’s easy to plan your activities across the phases of the lunar cycle

I hope that you can see now how you can easily incorporate moon phase planning into your life and business.

And I hope you've given yourself permission to rest and nurture yourself, knowing that your business will thrive as you thrive.


Moonphase planning offers a beautiful way to align your life and business with nature's rhythms.

You get to decide on your most important tasks, manage them effortlessly, and still make room for safe for self-care.

Because, let's face it, we thrive when we rest, nurture our creativity and give ourselves permission to just slow down.


Now, I know that planning your business this way, while powerful, might feel new or even challenging at first, especially if you're still running on those old hustle beliefs.

And that's why getting support is so important.

If you're ready to make this shift and build your business with more ease and flow and real productivity, I'd love to help you make that happen.

Book a call with me and let's chat about how we can work together to get you thriving like never before.


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