Tapping into your Intuition for more ease
Today, we’re diving into a topic that I know resonates with so many of you: intuition.
You’ll learn:
What intuition is
Where it comes from
Why cultivating it can lead to clearer decisions, more creativity, and greater alignment with your true self.
How to tell the difference between intuition and ego, and
How to navigate the tug-of-war between resistance and misalignment.
Plus, I share practical tips on how to strengthen your intuitive connection.
By the end, you’ll have a deeper understanding of how to trust your intuition and use it to build a life and business that truly reflects your values and purpose.
The Intuitive Nudge
Intuition is often described as an inner knowing.
It comes in many forms.
You may have experienced a few of these or maybe your intuition appears in only one way
You might experience Bodily Sensations –
Gut Feeling: A physical sensation in the stomach area, often described as a "knot," "flutter," or "pull" that signals something is right or wrong.
Your sacral center in Human Design is like your body's built-in BS detector. It gives you a gut-level "uh-huh" (yes) or "un-un" (no) response, cutting through mental chatter to deliver instant clarity. For Generators and Manifesting Generators with a defined sacral, this feels like an intuitive, energetic knowing that comes straight from your core—more felt than thought.
Heart Resonance: This is one way I feel my intuition. It’s the difference between feeling a dense heaviness in my heart space and feeling warm and light and expansive in my heart space.
Physical Tingles: Goosebumps, shivers, or a sudden energetic charge.This is another way I receive my intuition: I feel it as a full body Zing! Some people refer to this as a full body yes. As a manifesting generator with an emotional response, I now know not to act on this immediately (which is what I used to do) but instead, ride the emotional wave of feeling great, down to feeling blah and wait til I get to a feeling of calm.
You may experience it as Tension or Relaxation: Your body contracting or releasing as an instinctive response to a situation
You may get thoughts that seem to "download" without logical progression
Or see mental images or symbols that carry meaning
Maybe you’ll hear an inner voice or whisper
See specific number sequences that feel significant
External events might align mysteriously with inner thoughts
Maybe you’ll meet the right person at the right time
As I’ve already mentioned, I experience intuition in different ways.
Sometimes it’s a nudge to do something that’s not that significant but makes my day easier.
Like the times I’ve been certain that I don’t need my wallet, and despite walking past my wallet multiple times on my way out the door and thinking that I don’t need it, and therefore leaving the house without it, I discover later that having my wallet would’ve made my day more enjoyable.
Sometimes listening (in which ever way the information is received) makes a significant difference.
Like the time I was teaching my 9 year old to ride his new bike.
I received the ping to put my sneakers on (instead of wearing my uggboots) and to put a bike helmet on his little brother who was 4 at the time, even though we were only going to be riding around in our driveway where there weren’t any dangers.
So little brother was contentedly riding his bike with training wheels in the driveway and I’m focused on the 9 year old.
And then I see my little one exiting the driveway which means he’s about to go downhill, fast!
And I take off (thank you sneakers!) and I’m running as fast as I can behind him but am not fast enough to stop him.
He’s screaming because he didn’t remember or didn’t know how to push down on the peddle brakes.
And this lady, who I’ve never seen before or since happened to be visiting someone down the road, and happened to be putting something into the boot of her car. She heard him screaming, saw me barrelling along behind him clearly looking panicked and she raced across the road and dive tackled him.
And when she did, his helmet hit the ground so hard, that if he hadn’t been wearing it, and if his head had hit the ground instead, our entire world would’ve changed. He could’ve died or ended up permanently brain damaged.
To this day, I’m so grateful that I listened to my intuition and so so grateful for that woman (whoever she was) for her instant assessment and action.
While you are unlikely to have had the same experience, I can guarantee that you’ve received intuitive hits and either listened to them (and made your life easier) or ignored them and suffered the consequences.
What Is Intuition? Where Does It Come From?
The Spiritual Perspective
From spiritual leaders like Abraham Hicks, Wayne Dyer, and Eckhart Tolle, intuition is seen as a connection to universal source or infinite intelligence.
It’s a natural guidance system rooted in alignment with your higher self. Intuition arises when you tune into vibrational energy, emotions, and thoughts, allowing inspired ideas to flow. Positive emotions signal alignment, while negative emotions indicate resistance.
The Scientific Take on Intuition
Scientists say intuition is a mix of different brain processes working together, like:
Subconscious Pattern Recognition: Your brain picks up on patterns from past experiences and uses them to make quick decisions.
Neural Efficiency: Intuition skips the slower, more deliberate thinking in the prefrontal cortex and taps into the faster, automatic responses from the limbic system.
Gut-Brain Connection: The "second brain" (your gut) talks to your brain via the vagus nerve, influencing your feelings and decisions.
Mirror Neurons: These brain cells help you pick up on other people’s emotions and intentions without even thinking about it.
How They Work Together
Spiritual intuition and science don’t have to clash.
While spiritual intuition is all about connecting with universal energy, science gives us a way to understand how the brain processes these signals.
Together, they show that intuition is both a mystical and practical tool.
What’s in it for you? Why should you cultivate a connection with your intuition?
For entrepreneurs it’s not just about those “gut feelings” we hear so much about.
It’s about learning to use a super powerful tool that brings you clarity, helps you come up with creative solutions, and empowers your decision-making.
Some of the most successful business leaders out there swear by their intuition when it comes to their biggest breakthroughs.
Oprah Winfrey has talked about how she’s only ever made mistakes when she didn’t listen to her intuition. It’s been a huge part of how she built her media empire.
Richard Branson has said, “Your heart will tell you where you need to go. Trust your gut,” and he credits a lot of his major decisions at Virgin to his intuitive feelings.
Steve Jobs also said that “intuition is a very powerful thing, more powerful than intellect.” He even talked about how Apple’s big breakthroughs came from intuitive thinking, not just logic, like "connecting the dots" in ways data alone couldn’t explain.
Companies like Google, Apple, Salesforce, LinkedIn, and Meta are all getting on board with the idea that intuition is essential for navigating complexity and fostering creativity.
These companies know that intuition isn’t just a “soft skill”—it’s a strategic advantage that helps leaders and teams:
Make fast decisions, even when things are complicated.
Spark innovation by getting insights that go beyond data.
Lead with empathy and understanding.
See patterns and opportunities others might miss.
As an entrepreneur, trusting your intuition gives you the confidence to make bold moves, navigate challenges with certainty, and spot opportunities others might miss.
It’s not just about decision-making—it’s about creating a business and life that feel expansive and uniquely yours.
Intuition isn’t some mystical idea; it’s a practical tool for building your business and living authentically.
It also helps in your personal life—whether it’s relationships, health, or big life choices.
By tuning in, you align with what truly fulfills you, so you’re not second-guessing yourself or relying on others’ opinions.
Intuition helps you live a balanced, joyful life, trusting you’re always on the right path.
How to tell the difference between your intuition and your ego
One of the biggest challenges in cultivating intuition is learning to distinguish it from your ego. I’ll talk about ego in another episode.
Your intuition is calm, clear, and grounded—it feels like a gentle nudge or knowing that doesn’t need to explain itself.
It often shows up as a quiet sense of certainty, even if it doesn’t make logical sense.
On the other hand, your ego tends to be loud, reactive, and rooted in fear or doubt. It’s the voice that overanalyzes, questions, and second-guesses, often fueled by the need to control outcomes.
When you tune into your intuition, you’ll notice it feels expansive and aligned, while your ego feels restrictive and heavy.
Learning to discern between the two is key to trusting your inner guidance and making decisions from a place of confidence and peace.
The Inner Tug-of-War: Resistance vs. Misalignment
Have you ever had a brilliant idea, only to feel fear or heaviness follow right after?
It’s common to wonder: is this resistance because the idea is big, or is it a sign of misalignment? Understanding the difference can help you trust your intuition and move forward with clarity.
Resistance often feels like an inner tug-of-war.
Your higher self whispers, “This is for you,” while your ego lists reasons why it won’t work.
It’s uncomfortable, but it’s a sign of growth. Pushing past fear leads to expansion.
Misalignment feels like pushing against a wall—there’s no energy, no spark, just force. It’s a sign the path isn’t right for you, even if it looks good on paper. Pay attention to that feeling; it’s your intuition guiding you away from something that’s not meant for you.
Once you recognize whether it's resistance or misalignment, you can move forward.
When facing resistance, lean in. Reconnect with your “why,” break things into smaller steps, and trust that the discomfort is a sign of growth.
But if it’s misalignment, it’s okay to pivot.
Step back, reassess, and realign with what excites you.
Trust your intuition—it’s guiding you toward a life and business that truly reflect who you are.
How to Strengthen Your Connection with Your Intuition
Tuning into your intuition doesn’t have to be mysterious or complicated—whether you lean more spiritual or scientific, there are practices that help you connect with your inner guidance.
Create Stillness & Meditate
Spiritual Take: Meditation helps open a channel for universal guidance, allowing you to tap into deeper wisdom.
Scientific Take: It activates your brain’s default mode network (DMN), improving self-awareness and pattern recognition. By taking a few minutes of stillness daily, you can hear your intuition more clearly.
I’ve found that when I sit in stillness for just 10 minutes, I start receiving intuitive downloads that help me with my day, business decisions, and even creative projects like podcast episodes.
Journaling for Clarity
Spiritual Take: Journaling lets your intuitive messages flow onto paper, giving you insights you might not catch in the moment.
Scientific Take: It helps organize your thoughts by engaging your prefrontal cortex, which is responsible for processing information.
Write down all the reasons your ego says an idea won’t work. You’ll be surprised how many of these fears aren’t true or just plain irrational!
And then, write out all the benefits that could be gained from pushing through that resistance.
What opportunities could open up?
How might this step move you closer to your goals or help you grow?
This exercise helps you focus on the positive potential of taking action, rather than staying stuck in fear.
Body Awareness Practices (e.g., Yoga, Breathwork)
Spiritual Take: Aligns your mind, body, and spirit, creating harmony to receive guidance.
Scientific Take: Practices like breathwork activate your parasympathetic nervous system, reducing stress and creating space for intuitive clarity.
Whether you’re in a yoga pose or just focused on your breath, these practices help calm the mind and allow your intuition to come through more easily.
Follow Your “Zing”
Spiritual Take: That feeling of excitement or “zing” is your inner compass, showing you what’s aligned and where to go next.
Scientific Take: Your brain releases dopamine when you do something that feels rewarding, which is your body’s way of reinforcing the right actions. Trusting those moments of joy and excitement can guide you toward decisions that are both aligned and productive.
These practices can be a powerful way to distinguish between the noise of the ego and the still, quiet guidance of your intuition.
Over time, you’ll strengthen the muscle of your intuition, making it easier to discern when fear is simply resistance and when it’s a sign of misalignment.
Another helpful tool is surrounding yourself with supportive people who understand the value of intuition.
Whether it’s being part of a community or working with a coach who prioritizes intuition, having that support can help you stay grounded in your inner guidance.
If you’re ready to deepen your intuitive practice and gain clarity in your business and life, I’d love to help.
By working together, you’ll not only be able to tell the difference between resistance and misalignment, but you’ll also strengthen your ability to follow the path that’s truly meant for you.
As you hone this skill, you’ll make better business decisions and create a life that feels aligned with your purpose and potential.
If you’re ready to tap into your intuition more powerfully, book a call with me today, and let’s explore how we can work together to unlock the next level of clarity and confidence in your life and business!
No matter if you’re spiritually or scientifically minded, strengthening your intuition is all about creating the right environment—mentally, emotionally, and physically—to hear that inner wisdom.
Practices like stillness, meditation, journaling and breathwork help clear away the noise and allow you to tap into your intuition more powerfully.
When you integrate these practices into your life, you’ll start to make better decisions, follow the path that’s right for you, and experience more alignment in both your personal and business life.